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Help & Support for Trend Micro

Trend Micro provides security solutions for computers, laptops, Macs, and mobile devices used by home, office and business users. Trend Micro product line includes Trend Micro Antivirus, Internet Security, Maximum Security, Titanium Security, Secure Search and other such offerings. All the Trend Micro products can be installed by downloading or from a CD purchased at retail outlet. Trend Micro software installation can run into problems such as conflicts with other security software, blockage from viruses, multi-device license management, or product key recognition issues. GuruAid's Trend Micro experts can help sort out these and related Trend Micro software installation issues.
Antivirus software, given growing nature of security threats, is becoming more sophisticated and complex. Trend Micro security software portfolio is no exception. Unexpected problems can often result from the complex interactions between the security software and the operating system. For example, Trend Micro software can sometimes cause internet connection error, the built-in firewalls can conflict with Windows firewall, some multi-function printers can be blocked from printing, or Trend Micro application cannot be opened. Fixing these problems is not easy. We at GuruAid can help you troubleshoot these issues.
All antivirus software detects malware, virus infection by comparing the database of virus signatures with the bit stream of the files and folders on a computer. Since the signature database is huge and a user may have thousands of new files, emails, and other documents, this process takes time and also requires microprocessor time. This means that depending on how the Trend Micro software has been setup other applications can slow down. Our certified technicians are aware of all such problems and have the solutions to make your computer, laptop up to date and tuned up.
Trend Micro antivirus security software is easy to install and use. But if you are not technically savvy you probably need help. So for example, Trend Micro gives user four options when a virus is detected: heal; move to the vault; ignore the threat; or go to the file. However, there is limited guidance on what these options mean and which options one is supposed to select. Some viruses are so difficult to remove that they keep coming back. In such cases Trend Micro, like other security software vendors, recommend that user check its website for directions to remove such nasty viruses. Most users find it difficult to install the software manually. GuruAid security experts can help you with such software usage issues.

Trend Micro Product News

Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2014
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2014
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Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2014 review
Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2014 review
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Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2014 review
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2014 review
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Trend Micro Tech Issues

Trend Micro Issue
Guess I'm infected with some Malware
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Trend Micro Issue
Trend Micro Security fails to install update
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Trend Micro Issue
Titanium won't delete 2 trojan viruses
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