Customer Testimonials

“Guruaid has been successfully maintaining my computer since 2015. I rang Guruaid last week as I accidentally logged in using the wrong name and lost all my documents. The technician who answered my call remedied the situation in six minutes. Well done Guruaid.”

Review by Leeba @reviewcenter

“Always on point ! when I need help , great service and follow up will continue to use them from now on .”

Review by Mike Moore @resellerratings

“As I am a senior with limited skills I am frequently in need of help. They have corrected a couple of problems for me and have got me “up and running” on both occasions.”

Review by Richarrd M. @sitejabber.

“The service was very personable technicians. It was an excellent service. Every technician was very patient. They helped me to resolve the issue quickly and my time was didnt took too long, thank u guruaid for the service.”

Review by Janet D @sitejabber

“I was having some problems with my computer system and I was connected with Atish Patil (Technician) who was absolutely fabulous! He was very efficient and knowledgeable. I wish I could request his…”

Review by creeper46

“I just renewed for another 2 years with GuruAid. The techs are fantastic and I have left every session more than satisfied with the work they did on my computer. The computer always ran better and fa…”

Review by David Schofield

“Atish Patil my tech for today was pleasant to talk to and answered my questions and explained what he was doing so I understood. My computer is now working at optimum speed without problems. Thank…”

Review by Deirdre Rigby

“I was working with computer technician Atish Patil, the overall experience was good and informative. However, sitting by the computer in order to communicate for an hour is nerve racking when there a… “

Review by Sha Shuford

“computer services just a phone call away the cost is more than fair step by step check over rebuild your p c or just get it working again just like you had it. Good People.”

Review by Jerry l Torres
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